As many of you know - I run a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program. The program has two options - a virtual program or an in-person program at Flow Yoga Studio in De Pere WI.
The Virtual Program is a private mentorship program that is worked around your schedule with online calls and videos to learn from.
The In-Person program meets for 8 weekends a year (1 weekend/month for 8 months) and then 1 weekly group call to check in on progress.
For the students taking the 200-hour program, I have the following books* that I ask that they read throughout their time in the program:
Teaching Yoga: Essential Foundations and Techniques by Mark Stephens and Mariel Hemingway
Hatha Yoga Illustrated Paperback by Martin Kirk (Author), Brooke Boon (Author), Daniel DiTuro (Author)
The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice Paperback by Deborah Adele (Author)
7 Secrets of a Successful Yoga Teacher: Using the Chakras as a Guide for Teaching by Dr. Lisa Dana Mitchell (Author)
Functional Anatomy of Yoga: A Guide for Practitioners and Teachers by David Keil (author)
I also love listening to books through Audible when I'm driving across the state or across the country to visit family and friends or teach yoga. If you have never tried Audible - here is a special promotion just for you: Try Audible.
If you have any questions about the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program - please reach out to me at www.greenfrogyoga.com or email me directly: pam@greenfrogyoga.com.
Have a beautiful day!
*I am an Amazon Associate and these are paid links students may get their books from any site they choose.